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Origins Academic Team
Jan 25, 20223 min read
IELTS Speaking Sample Part 2 - Describe an important holiday that is celebrated in your country
Describe an important holiday that is celebrated in your country You should say when this celebration takes place what people do during...

Origins Academic Team
Dec 21, 20213 min read
IELTS Speaking Sample Part 2 - Describe a special cake you had
You should say: What kind of cake it is, When you ate the cake, Who you ate with and explain why you think the cake is special. Honestly...

Origins Academic Team
Dec 21, 20212 min read
IELTS Speaking Sample Part 2 - Describe a time when you were friendly to someone you didn't like
There are times in our lives when we had to do something that we really hated and every now and then when it happens, we have to accept...

Origins Academic Team
Dec 20, 20212 min read
IELTS Speaking Sample Part 2 - Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early
Topic: Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early I’d like to talk about a time when I had to get up extremely early to be well...

Origins Academic Team
Dec 13, 20212 min read
IELTS Speaking Sample Part 2 - Describe an item on which you spent more than expected
Topic: Describe an item on which you spent more than expected You should say: what it is how much you spent on it why you bought it and...

Origins Academic Team
Nov 24, 20212 min read
IELTS Speaking Sample Part 1 - Topic Walking
"Do you walk a lot?" Yes, for sure. In my opinion, walking is an amazing form of exercise and it can also provide a great chance for me...

Origins Academic Team
Nov 11, 20211 min read
IELTS Speaking Sample Part 1 - Topic: Concentration
"Why do you need to be focused?" Staying focused is crucial as it helps me to get all my assignments done and as a result I won’t have to...

Origins Academic Team
Oct 11, 20211 min read
IELTS Speaking Sample Part 1 - Topic: Jeans
"Do you wear jeans?" Yup, definitely, especially when I spend a day out with my bosom buddies exploring various hidden corners of Saigon...

Origins Academic Team
Oct 1, 20211 min read
IELTS Speaking Sample Part 1 - Topic: Haircut
"Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?" Well, let me see, if memory serves, about a month ago, to prepare for my upcoming trip...
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