In some countries, university students live at home, while in other countries university students go to other cities rather than live with their family.
Do you think the benefits of living away from home outweigh the disadvantages? (27/01/2024)
The question of whether university students should live away from home or with their families is a topic of ongoing debate. While some argue that residing away from home presents numerous drawbacks, I contend that these pale in comparison with the significant benefits it offers.
On the one hand, the decision to live away from home presents several challenges and disadvantages. Firstly, the financial strain of renting accommodation and covering living expenses can be overwhelming for many students. This financial pressure may exacerbate stress and anxiety levels, thereby adversely impacting their academic performance . Secondly, the absence of family support systems may result in feelings of loneliness and homesickness, particularly among international students or those from tight-knit families. A great body of research has underscored this point, indicating that without a strong support network, homesickness can profoundly affect students' overall well-being and academic success.
On the other hand, I argue that living independently during university fosters self-reliance and accountability among students, which outweigh the financial and emotional strain some of them might face. When students reside on their own, they can have the chance to acquire essential life skills such as financial management, culinary abilities , and home maintenance , all of which help them become well-rounded and resourceful individuals. Additionally, being away from the comfort of home can push students out of their comfort zones , motivating them to explore new environments and socialize with diverse individuals. To illustrate, many surveys conducted by American universities revealed that students who lived away from home were more likely to engage in extracurricular activities and pursue leadership roles, fostering their personal and professional development.
In summary, while living away from home comes with certain challenges such as financial strain and feelings of isolation for students, I firmly believe that its benefits in terms of enhanced independence and personal growth are more significant.
pale in comparison with sb / sth (idiom) = kém nổi bật hơn ai đó / cái gì
overwhelming (adj) = gây choáng ngợp
exacerbate (v) = làm trầm trọng thêm
academic performance (phrase) = kết quả học tập
tight-knit (adj) = khăng khít, gắn bó
underscore (v) = nhấn mạnh
profoundly (adv) = một cách sâu sắc
self-reliance (n) = sự tự lực cánh sinh
accountability (n) = tinh thần trách nhiệm
culinary abilities (phrase) = kỹ năng nấu nướng
home maintenance (phrase) = bảo dưỡng nhà ở
well-rounded (adj) = toàn diện
resourceful (adj) = tháo vát
push students out of their comfort zones (phrase) = thúc đẩy học sinh thoát khỏi vùng an toàn của bản thân
Personal opinion: The benefits of university students living away from home outweigh its drawbacks
Body 1: The drawbacks of university students living away from home
It can be difficult for students who live away from home to afford housing and living costs → increased stress and poor academic performance
Being away from family support can lead to feelings of loneliness, especially for international students or those from close-knit families → reduced well-being and academic challenges for students
Body 2: The benefits of university students living away from home + my personal opinion
When students live on their own, they can learn important life skills like managing money and cooking → more capable individuals
Being away from home encourages students to step out of their comfort zones by exploring new things and meeting new people → personal and professional development
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