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IELTS Writing Task 2 - Online Courses At University (Positive or Negative Development?)

Origins Academic Team

Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?


The growing trend of universities offering online courses as an alternative to traditional classes has sparked debate on  whether this is positive or not. While some consider it as a revolutionary step forward in accessibility and flexibility, others express concerns about  its ability to eliminate the irreplaceable value of traditional classes. In my opinion, while the rise of online education presents double-edged  implications, it is a largely positive progression.

On the one hand, online learning presents potential drawbacks. One inevitable disadvantage of these courses is that the absence of face-to-face interaction can hinder  the development of critical thinking and communication skills, both of which are crucial for learners. Online platforms may also struggle to encourage the dynamic exchange of ideas that thrives in a physical classroom setting. Additionally, the absence of structured supervision  and peer interaction  can lead to issues such as lack of motivation, self-discipline, and time management for some students. 

On the other hand, I contend that online courses offer superior advantages. They eliminate distance among students and teachers, allowing individuals from remote locations to pursue higher education. This is particularly beneficial to those who face financial and geographical constraints  in attending an offline class. Another benefit is that the  self-paced  nature of many online courses enables flexible learning, catering to  different learning styles and maximizing individual potential. Furthermore, online education can be more cost-effective for universities, reducing infrastructure  and operational expenses. This can potentially translate into lower tuition fees or increased scholarship opportunities for students.

In conclusion, the rising popularity of online education presents a multifaceted challenge for universities. While there are potential drawbacks related to social interaction and self-discipline, I believe that the various benefits in terms of accessibility, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness make online learning a positive development in current life.



  • spark debate on sth (phrase) = dấy lên tranh cãi về việc gì đó 

  • express concerns about sth (phrase) = bày tỏ lo ngại về điều gì đó 

  • double-edged (adj) = hai mặt, có cả ưu và nhược điểm

  • inevitable (adj) = không thể tránh khỏi 

  • hinder (v) = cản trở 

  • thrive (v) = phát triển mạnh mẽ

  • structured supervision (phrase) = sự giám sát chặt chẽ 

  • peer interaction (phrase) = tương tác giữa học sinh với học sinh 

  • financial and geographical constraints (phrase) = những hạn chế về tài chính và địa lý 

  • self-paced (adj) = dựa trên tiến độ của bản thân

  • cater to / for sb / sth (phrasal verb) = đáp ứng nhu cầu của ai đó / cái gì đó 

  • cost-effective (adj) = tiết kiệm chi phí

  • infrastructure (n) = cơ sở hạ tầng

  • multifaceted (adj) = nhiều mặt, phức tạp



Personal Opinion: The rise of online courses as an alternative to campus-based classes is a positive development

Body 1: The potential drawbacks of online courses as an alternative to classes on campus 

  • The lack of direct interaction in online courses may make it hard for students to develop important skills (e.g. critical thinking and communication)

  • Online platforms could also hinder the lively exchange of ideas that typically happens in a real classroom

  • Without close supervision and interaction with classmates, some students might struggle with motivation, self-discipline, and managing their time effectively

Body 2: The benefits of online courses as an alternative to classes on campus + my personal opinion 

  • Online courses help people, especially those with financial and geographical problems, in remote areas access higher education 

  • Online courses allow flexible learning at one's own pace, which suits various learning styles and maximizes individual potential

  • They can also save money for universities, leading to lower fees or more scholarships for students


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