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IELTS Writing Task 2 - Environmental Problems (Agree or Disagree Question)

Origins Academic Team

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

The best way to solve the world's environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, some individuals believe that the optimal remedy to environmental issues is to raise the cost of fuel for several vehicles. Personally, I do not think this is the best solution and will offer my opinion in the following essay.

Proponents of such an idea would argue that a rise in the petrol price can bring many benefits, among which the improved quality of air seems to be the most significant. Specifically, if the increased cost of fuel came into effect , possibly more and more people could be discouraged from driving their private cars and might make use of the public transport system instead. Consequently, the emission of noxious exhaust from personal vehicles can be tremendously reduced, which could largely contribute to a greener and fresher atmosphere, especially in heavily industrialized urban areas where the quality of air is often considerably low.

However, I believe that such a proposition would not be the best way to solve environmental problems. First, these issues normally stem from diverse causes, some of which may be the abuse of chemicals in agriculture and industry or the inappropriate disposal and treatment of waste. Undoubtedly, an increase in petrol prices alone cannot address these aspects, which would continue doing harm to the environment. Second, as vehicles have long played a pivotal role in the transportation of people, goods or services, a rise in fuel costs could meet with strong disapproval among citizens. This is because not only would there be an additional financial burden placed on them but their normal daily movement could also be altered due to it.

To recapitulate briefly, despite the assumption that the increased cost of fuel is the best way to tackle environmental problems, I still disagree with it for the reasons mentioned above.



  • optimal (adj): tối ưu

  • remedy (n): giải pháp

  • come into effect (idiom): đi vào hoạt động

  • noxious (adj): độc hại

  • exhaust (n): khí thải

  • proposition (n): ý tưởng

  • stem from (phrasal verb): gây ra bởi

  • disposal (n): sự tiêu hủy

  • address (v): nhắm đến, giải quyết

  • pivotal (adj): chủ chốt, then chốt

  • meet with sth (phrasal verb): tạo ra một phản ứng cụ thể

  • alter (v): thay đổi




Not only + auxiliary verb + S + verb/adjective but + S also + verb/be also + adjective

E.g: This is because not only would there be an additional financial burden placed on them but their normal daily movement could also be altered due to it.



Body 1: Why the rise in fuel prices should be considered the best way to solve environmental problems:

  • the cost of fuel is raised → more people can be discouraged from using their personal vehicles → the poisonous exhaust can be significantly reduced → a better quality of air

Body 2: Why the rise in fuel prices should not be considered the best way to solve environmental problems + my personal opinion: Disagree

  • environmental issues result from a wide variety of causes → increasing petrol prices only cannot resolve these causes which would continue harming the environment

  • vehicles are an integral part of everyday life → a rise in fuel costs can produce negative reactions from the citizens due to a financial burden and the alteration of their daily movement


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