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IELTS Writing Task 2 - Corporate Community Support (Agree or Disagree Question)

Updated: Sep 21

Some people think that big companies should provide sports and social facilities for the local community. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree? (25/05/2024)


It is often argued that major corporations are obliged to  construct sporting and social facilities for local residents. I largely agree with this view, considering the positive contributions of such initiatives to the local community and companies themselves.

It is understandable why some individuals oppose the idea of placing community obligations on corporations . Specifically, establishing and maintaining such facilities often requires tremendous investment, which could otherwise be allocated towards core business activities . For instance, instead of building a public sports complex , a company could use these funds to develop innovative products or enhance operational efficiency. This redirection of resources  is essential for staying competitive and ensuring long-term growth, both of which are aligned with  a company’s primary business goals. Additionally, as companies usually prioritize areas where they operate, solely relying on them for such facilities may lead to unequal access across different communities. To address this issue, the government should play a key role in providing sports and social facilities using taxpayer funds.

Despite the opposition to the proposed social responsibilities for large corporations, I believe they should still contribute to the expansion of public infrastructure. Firstly, as regular physical activity is important for preventing chronic diseases  and promoting overall well-being, the corporate provision of sporting facilities can foster a healthier community . For example, funded by Google, the recreational centers in Mountain View, California offer residents a space to exercise, socialize, and relax, thereby reducing stress and enhancing their mental health. Secondly, the construction of community facilities can enhance a company's reputation  and strengthen its brand loyalty . When a company invests in the local community, it sends a strong message about its commitment to social obligations, potentially promoting customer loyalty and attracting more talented candidates who strictly value corporate social responsibility .

In summary, although some individuals may argue against placing community obligations on corporations due to potential financial strain and unequal access, I believe that such initiatives should still be highly encouraged as they would contribute to a healthier society and better brand recognition .  



  • be obliged to do sth (phrase) = có nghĩa vụ phải làm điều gì đó 

  • place community obligations on corporations (phrase) = áp đặt các nghĩa vụ cộng đồng lên vai doanh nghiệp

  • tremendous (adj) = to lớn, khổng lồ 

  • core business activities (phrase) = các hoạt động kinh doanh cốt lõi

  • a public sports complex (phrase) = khu liên hợp thể thao công cộng 

  • redirection of resources (phrase) = việc phân bổ lại các nguồn lực, tài nguyên

  • be aligned with sth (phrase) = phù hợp với điều gì đó

  • chronic diseases (phrase) = những căn bệnh mãn tính 

  • foster a healthier community (phrase) = thúc đẩy một cộng đồng khỏe mạnh hơn 

  • reputation (n) = danh tiếng 

  • brand loyalty (phrase) = lòng trung thành với thương hiệu 

  • corporate social responsibility (phrase) = trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp

  • brand recognition (phrase) = tính nhận diện thương hiệu 



Personal opinion: Big companies should provide sports and social facilities for the local community

Body 1: The drawbacks of companies providing social facilities

  • Providing social facilities often requires a lot of money, which could be better used for core business activities (e.g., research and business development) to help companies stay competitive

  • Companies usually focus on areas where they work, which can lead to unequal access to facilities in different communities → the government’s more important role in providing these facilities

Body 2: The benefits of companies providing social facilities + my personal opinion

  • Having sports facilities can help people stay healthy and prevent diseases (e.g., Google’s recreational centers in Mountain View, California) → reduced stress and improved mental health 

  • Building community facilities can enhance a company's reputation and increase loyalty → more loyal customers and talented employees who value corporate social responsibility


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