1. Do you like the sound of your own voice?
Well, I can’t say for sure if I really like it or not. I mean, it's a bit too high-pitched and nasal at times . However, in most cases, I think my voice is generally clear and easy to understand.
2. Is your voice different from when you were young?
Absolutely! When I was a child, I had a very squeaky voice. I remember my friends would often tease me about it. But as I went through puberty , my voice deepened and became more masculine as you can hear now.
3. Is there anyone in your family with a similar voice?
Yes, my father has a very similar voice to mine. It's not just that we have the same pitch and tone , but we also have the same speech patterns , like pausing for emphasis and using certain filler words such as "um" and "like".
4. Does everyone have the same voice?
Certainly, not! You see, just like our fingerprints, our voices are unique to us, and they can also be affected by our environment and culture. For example, people who grow up speaking the same language often have similar accents . And people who live in noisy environments may develop louder voices.
high-pitched (adj) = (về giọng nói) cao
nasal (adj) = giọng mũi
at times (phrase) = đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng
squeaky (adj) = (về giọng nói) the thé
puberty (n) = giai đoạn dậy thì
deepen (v) = (về giọng nói) trở nên trầm hơn
masculine (adj) = nam tính
pitch (n) = cao độ
tone (n) = giọng điệu
speech pattern (phrase) = cách nói chuyện
accent (n) = giọng nói đặc trưng (của một quốc gia, vùng miền,...)
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