1. How much do you like robots?
I think they're pretty cool, actually! I mean, I love how they can help us with things like housework or dangerous jobs to make our life much more convenient. Having said that , I also worry about them becoming too powerful and kind of uncontrollable in the future.
2. Do you have robots at home?
Not yet, but I'm definitely interested in getting some robots in the future, especially those that can help with my household chores . You know, it would be amazing to come home to a freshly cooked meal or a spotless apartment without having to lift a finger .
3. When you were a child, did you like watching robot movies?
I wouldn't say I was an avid robot movie fan as a child, but I did enjoy watching them occasionally. I particularly liked the ones with cool gadgets and special effects, like the laser battles in "Lost in Space" or the transforming robots in "Transformers."
4. How can robots affect people’s lives?
Well, on the positive side, I believe that robots can increase efficiency and productivity in various fields like manufacturing and healthcare. But on the other hand, their automation may also lead to major issues like job displacement or overreliance on technology .
having said that (idiom) = dù vậy
uncontrollable (adj) = không thể kiểm soát
household chores (phrase) = công việc nhà
spotless (adj) = sạch bóng tinh tươm
lift a finger (idiom) = động tay động chân (vào việc gì đó)
an avid fan (phrase) = fan cuồng
increase efficiency and productivity (phrase) = tăng hiệu quả và năng suất làm việc
job displacement (phrase) = sự đào thải trong công việc
overreliance on technology (phrase) = sự phụ thuộc quá nhiều vào công nghệ
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