1. Do you like flowers?
Yes, I really appreciate the beauty and fragrance of flowers, especially roses and orchids. They can brighten up any space and create a pleasant atmosphere where they appear.
2. What kinds of flowers are popular in your country?
Well, you know, Vietnam is a tropical country so it is famous for a diversity of flowers. However, in my opinion, apricot blossoms and lotus flowers are the two most beautiful and widely displayed in my country.
3. Do people in your country often give flowers as gifts?
Overall, I’d say giving flowers as gifts is quite common in my country because it’s considered a gesture of love, appreciation, and respect. Additionally, we mostly give flowers on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and national holidays.
4. Do flowers have any special meaning in your culture?
Absolutely! Flowers do play a significant role in Vietnamese culture. For example, lotus flowers are often symbolic of purity and compassion while apricot blossoms are normally on display during Tet holidays as their vivid yellow color represents luck and prosperity.
fragrance (n) = hương thơm
orchid (n) = hoa lan
brighten up sth (phrasal verb) = thắp sáng, làm bừng sáng một cái gì đó
a diversity of flowers (phrase) = sự đa dạng các loài hoa
apricot blossom (n) = hoa mai
lotus flower (n) = hoa sen
be widely displayed (phrase) = được trưng bày rộng rãi
gesture (n) = cử chỉ
be symbolic of sth (phrase) = tượng trưng cho điều gì đó
purity (n) = sự thuần khiết
compassion (n) = lòng trắc ẩn
be on display (phrase) = được trưng bày
vivid (adj) = sinh động, rực rỡ
prosperity (n) = sự sung túc, thịnh vượng
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