1. What’s your favorite color?
Hmm, I wouldn't say I have a single favorite color, but I do find myself drawn to shades of blue quite often. It has a calming and serene effect on me, and I often associate it with the vastness of the ocean or the clarity of a clear sky.
2. What’s the color you dislike? Why?
Well, there's one color I always try to avoid, especially in clothing, and that's neon green. I had an unfortunate experience once wearing a neon green shirt to a presentation, and the overwhelming brightness made me feel self-conscious and distracted the audience.
3. What colors do your friends like most?
In my friend group, there seems to be a common liking for earthy tones like green and brown. I guess it's mostly influenced by our shared love for nature and outdoor activities.
4. What color makes you uncomfortable in your room?
Personally, I wouldn't say any color inherently gives me discomfort , but I understand why some people find bright colors overwhelming. You know, these colors might be energizing at first, but eventually, they could lead to eye strain and feelings of restlessness .
a calming and serene effect (phrase) = cảm giác yên bình và thanh tịnh
associate A with B (phrase) = liên tưởng điều A với điều B
self-conscious (adj) = ngượng ngùng, tự ti
a common liking for sth (phrase) = sở thích chung về cái gì đó
earthy tones (phrase) = tông màu đất
inherently (adv) = vốn dĩ
discomfort (n) = cảm giác khó chịu
energizing (adj) = mang lại nhiều năng lượng
eye strain (phrase) = mỏi mắt
feelings of restlessness (phrase) = cảm giác bồn chồn
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